Helpful tips for repairing garage doors

Top 6

The Power Goes Out

If the power goes out in the garage  and the door is closed and you're stuck without your car, look for a wire hanging from the opener's work area - often with a red handle. This is a manual override. The door can be opened or closed by pulling it manually. 

Icy conditions  stiffened the garage door opener, reducing power. Many garage door openers of the last 15 years offer pressure control for both raising and lowering. Check and adjust these settings regularly to ensure optimal performance. 

Frozen Garage Door

Sagging Garage Door

Is the garage door hanging? Like us, parents can succumb to the pull and gravity of wood. Use the tension bars in the back corners to flatten it. Tighten slowly using the rotary lever to adjust. Get bars from home centers if your door doesn't have them. 

Lock Your Garage Door

The security of your valuable car is at risk due to a broken garage door lock. Most doors have horizontal bars that lock into the side opening, but these can become misaligned over time. Loosen and adjust  the door edge guide clips to engage the lock and apply engine oil. 

Soak Up Oil Stain

Do you find oil stains on your driveway after car work? Crush the remains of plasterboard, spread and leave overnight. Rinse in the morning. If the stains are severe, reapply and brush with a bristle brush. 

When to Call the Pro

While small stains and cracks can often be repaired with store-bought solutions and effort, more significant problems with the masonry walls of the home require the help of a specialist. Consult a mason or construction specialist if:  - The crack in the masonry wall is large and         expanding rapidly.    - The base wall seems to have changed. - Large     areas of black mold appear on the wall.   - There are signs of deformation in the wall.  - Bricks, mortar or plaster crumble when touched."