Mind-Blowing Oceanic Discovery: A Phenomenon That Continues to Baffle Scientists

The transition between changing phytoplankton dynamics and oceanic hue is illuminated by recent research and The Guardian's account. Now Taking on a Deeper Shade of Green, the Ocean's Surface Color Is Determined by Upper Layer Residents Like Phytoplankton.

The study's researchers dug into two decades' worth of satellite observations using a broad dataset. Their goal was to find subtle changes in marine color throughout a wider spectrum, including colors other than the usual blues and greens.

Plankton interact with light in various ways due to their wide range of sizes and distinctive pigments. Thus, by analyzing changes in ocean hue, scientists have a more accurate tool to explain changes in global plankton populations.

Phytoplankton is a key component of many marine food chains and is essential to the health of oceanic ecosystems. The Guardian reports on population changes across over 56% of the world's oceans, an area greater than all of the land on Earth put together.

According to BB Cael, a scientist from the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton and the study's author, this phenomena is known as the "Greening Effect" and is characterized by color changes that are noticeable in almost all tropical and subtropical oceanic zones.