Megastorms on Saturn put planetary formation theories to the test.

Following the discovery that the aftermath of Saturn's cyclical mega storms might continue for centuries, scientists are reevaluating hypotheses regarding the formation of gas giants.

Saturn's generally tranquil outer atmosphere contains visible storms, as evidenced by observations going back as 1876. When observed through a telescope, some of the storms left apparent surface irregularities.

Radio emissions, the subject of research by an international team under the direction of University of Michigan professor Cheng Li, may still be used to identify everything but the most recent storm's remnants. The team deduced from these photographs that the storms are still having an impact on Saturn's interior atmosphere.

Radio emissions may still be used to identify everything except the remnants of the most recent storm, according to research conducted by an international team led by University of Michigan professor Cheng Li. These images led the team to conclude that the storms are still affecting Saturn's internal atmosphere.