Google's Leading Scientist Takes Bold Step: Dives into Nature for Revolutionary AI Models

One of Google's most well-known AI engineers left the firm to create his own business in Japan.

Llion Jones, one of the eight co-authors of the influential research article that sparked the growth of generative AI, has co-founded Sakana AI with another ex-Google researcher to begin a new path.

Sakana AI, a research facility with its headquarters in Tokyo, focuses on creating novel AI models that are motivated by nature.

Instead of creating a single model that incorporates a sizable quantity of data, our approach makes use of a number of smaller models, each of which draws on specific strengths and more targeted data. When explaining their unique startup's concept to Reuters, Ha expounded on how these models would then cooperate and work together to fix problems.

The two's resignation is noteworthy given their resumes: Ha was head of research at Stability AI and at Google Brain. Jones, meanwhile, has been leading Google's generative AI efforts since joining the company in 2012. This month, he quit Google.